Latest and greatest technologies

I use the latest technologies to build high quality scalable websites.

  • Built for performance: ⚡️ Instant response time and cached data.
  • Stylish: 💄 Custom and stylish UI with great UX.
  • Reliable: ☔️ Zero downtime and backups thanks to cloud providers.

Some examples of my work:

superdesk app

I'm part of the team at Sourcefabric that develops the best open source tools for journalism. Superdesk is a state-of-the-art digital newsroom system.

It combines headless CMS functionality with powerful workflow features for an end-to-end news creation, production, curation and distribution platform.

lad js website

I'm part of the core team that develops LadJS. A new NodeJS framework with all the tools you need to build a full stack website.

Lad is full of features but it's extremely configurable. For example it ships with Pug as the template engine but you can easily plug in React, Vue, Angular, etc.

vim colors website

Vimcolors is an online tool to create custom color schemes for the text editor vim with ease.

It takes the hard task of manually tweaking every single color for all the possible fields of your text editor and converts it on a simple and fun visual experience with a real-time preview.

Popular npm packages

93.2k downloads for nextjs-redirect
2.2k downloads for miny
2.1k downloads for vim-colors
1.9k downloads for livesoccertv-parser

More at my GitHub

On my github you can find more projects like:

/codesandbox9.9 k

An online IDE for rapid web development

/lad1.7 k

Lad scaffolds a Koa webapp and API framework for Node.js

/forwardemail.net1.5 k

The best free email forwarding for custom domains


Simple app to time your Rubik's Cube solves


HOC to redirect to any URL in NextJS both in client and server


The simplest but configurable online clock


Simple app to check your laptop's battery health.


Extremely fast and simple git prompt for bash


Quickly show all your terminal colors


Parse soccer games data from


Blazing fast personal website with Jamstack


Drag & Drop to share files/folders in your network


The minimal module generator that generated itself